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Storrington Primary

Accelerated Reader

Please find below a link to the Accelerated Reader meeting for parents/carers on 19th January 2021


Our aim at Storrington Primary School, is to ensure that all children value reading for pleasure and have the time and opportunity to read a wide range of texts that support them in acquiring the reading skills they need in order to 'read to learn'.  At Storrington Primary we use Accelerated Reader to assess and track independent reading practice. Further information for parents can be found below.


What is Accelerated Reader and how is it used?
For parents guide to Accelerated Reader, click here.


What does the Star Reading test involve?
Star Test information can be found here.


What is meant by my child's 'ZPD'?
ZPD information can he found here.


Can my child read books outside of their ZPD?  

Yes, your child can choose to read anything they like and we encourage a wide and varied reading diet.  The most important element of AR is practising reading skills so only quizzes linked to books within your child's ZPD will be added to their ongoing points scores and word reading levels however.  Your child should be able to quiz successfully and consistently above 90% in order to show their comprehension skills are at a secure level.  They will complete the Star Test every six weeks and following all their targeted reading practice, their ZPD will be adjusted accordingly.


What is myOn?

myOn is an online library of books that your child can read and quiz on!  There are over 1000 titles which can supplement their reading diet and provide lots of additional reading practice.  The video below explains how your child can login to myOn and start their reading practice.

Click here for myOn login video


How do you access a quiz for a book you have read?
If you read a book and want to quiz (outside of myOn), please copy this URL into your toolbar and you will access our school Accelerated Reader page.  Your child can then log in as a student.  Their username and password is the same as their Google Classroom.

For example:

Once in, your child should then click onto Accelerated Reader where they will be directed to type in the book title, or quiz number if they have it, (they may not have the number if it is a book from home and not labelled up). They can then complete the quiz and their records will be automatically updated. 

If you wish to check if a book is within your child's 'ZPD' and therefore will update their word total/quiz score before they read it, you can go to AR Bookfinder and find out. 


How do we celebrate reading?

We hold a monthly reading assembly where we recognise and celebrate both individual and group reading achievements.  A child will be chosen monthly by their class teacher and receive a special Accelerated Reader token to celebrate their hard work and resilience.  A class trophy will be awarded to the class with the highest word count.  This is a collective award and relies on everybody reading everyday for at least 20 minutes in order to have the highest chance of winning!  The 'Millionaires Club' will consist of children who have read one million words! It will take time to achieve this and those who join the Millionaires Club will be displayed on our 'Millionaires Hall of Fame' and receive a special award to celebrate this amazing achievement!


If you have any specific questions about Accelerated Reader please contact