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Storrington Primary

Eco Schools


The Eco-Schools programme encourages young people to deliver eco-projects that make their school more sustainable, increase environmental learning, and benefit their local community.   

Our work towards renewing our Eco-Schools Green Flag is led by a team of Eco Reps from Y1 to Y6 but is a whole school effort. This year, we are focusing on marine conservation, improving our school grounds and tackling litter.   



Storrington Primary Eco Code 

Our team of Eco Reps have come up with a set of simple actions that we can all do in school to make a difference to the environment. 

  • Respect animals, plants and their habitats. 
  • Don't drop litter - put it in the bin. 
  • Turn off the lights and screens when you leave the classroom. 
  • Check the taps are turned off so we don't waste water.