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Storrington Primary

Reception Autumn 2023






Is your child starting school in september 2025?

If your child is starting school this year, please visit our 'Starting School September 2025' page under the 'Information' tab.



A very warm welcome to Early Years at Storrington Primary School. We have two reception classes - Holly and Olive. Mrs S. Stratford is our Foundation Stage Leader and is the teacher of Holly class; Samira is a nationally recognised Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) as well as a locality and West Sussex moderator.   Mrs C. Linfield, Modern Foreign Languages Lead and Miss G. Poland teach Olive class.  We are extremely lucky to have two classroom teaching assistants whom are experienced in working with Early Years children - Mrs J. Wellman & Mrs M. Donald.


Our two classrooms are spacious and bright with access to a large, dedicated outdoor area overlooking the extensive school grounds. The children enjoy working and playing with natural resources and have access to a range of equipment including a large sand pit, climbing frame, digging area and even a mud kitchen!


The children benefit from a play based curriculum and we encourage and support independent learning whilst providing a structured and stimulating environment for them to grow and develop in.   There is a focus for learning and exploring which is planned half termly and children are involved in the planning process. Individual threads of learning are encouraged and we support and follow each child’s interests. We work with and alongside parents and children to develop skills to enable them to become happy and confident learners.


Parents are encouraged to share in their children’s learning. “Ask me About!” sheets are sent home weekly. Next Steps are shared with parents to support development in all areas of learning and are sent home half termly. Parents are also invited to come into the classroom to share their children’s learning during the year through story sessions, parent workshops and celebrations of learning.


We are passionate about providing the best possible start for the children in our care and ensuring their first steps at school are happy and safe.




We hope you enjoy this sneak peek into a day in Reception at Storrington Primary School.



"We are extremely happy and grateful that when being taught, our children are encouraged to learn at their own pace and this teaching is given with genuine love and care for them and their education'"


 You can find information about the Spring term 2025 by clicking below:


   Spring 1 Medium Term Plan                                                 Spring 2 Medium Term Plan 

You can find:

Storrington Primary School EYFS intent here 


Early Years Outcomes here



Early Years Foundation Stage Policy here




'What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: A guide for parents' here


End of year aspirations for an EYFS child at Storrington Primary here



You can view the progression of skills in EYFS at Storrington Primary here:





    Expressive Arts and Design   



Handbooks for parents


How to support your child with Maths Parent Guide 

How to support your child with Reading Parent Guide 

How to support your child with Writing Parent Guide 

Therapeutic Thinking Parent Guide 





in reception AT STORRINGTON we...

  • Are always encouraged to move our own learning forward by developing our interests, making our own choices and being independent learners.
  • Love working and playing together.
  • Are encouraged to 'have a go' and experience success!
  • Plan with our teachers and explore exciting activities in our environment.
  • Are encouraged to share our ideas.


 Our learning is celebrated with our parents and carers through our Learning Explorer books and our ‘Drop In’ sessions.

We are developing our growth mindset and we learn best when...

We are happy!

We care about our classroom

We share and take turns.

We are kind and thoughtful to our friends.

We have time to discover things for ourselves.

We are excited about our learning.


we try, try, try!


useful websites

Please explore the websites below to help support your child's early education:


  Hungry Little Minds is the new Department for Education campaign based on improving early language and literacy prior to starting school.  Parents can access tips and activities from and also search for activities in their area using a postcode finder service.





 Mindfulness Videos
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
I have a light
Starfish Breath
Just Be!