Welcome to Year 4
The children are at the centre of everything we do at Storrington Primary and we hope to nurture enthusiastic, creative and independent learners throughout their journey here.
In Year 4, we continue developing our chronological knowledge in History through our Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece topics, furthering children's understanding of what Britain was like throughout the overlapping time periods and after, with Anglo-Saxons.
We also will be delving into the Science and Geography of the world and beyond with topics on Rivers, Natural Disasters and Space!
As always, we hope to facilitate memorable moments, both in our learning and as a year group. We look forward to working with you and your children this year.
The Year 4 Team
Miss C. Evans (Juniper Class)
Miss A. Evans (Maple Class)
Teaching Assistants:
Ms J. Geal
Miss K. Mitchell
PPA Cover:
Miss P. Akehurst
Mrs F. Bull
Leadership Cover:
Mr D. Wooller
If you would like to know how to help at home, please do see the list below of ideas:
Children are set Maths homework weekly; it is set on a Wednesday and is due the following Monday.
Children have weekly spellings to practise for testing on Fridays.
We check Reading Diaries daily, with the expectation your child reads for a minimum of 20-30 minutes every evening. From research, this is the best way at home to ensure your child makes progress as a learner.
Online Library:
Times Tables
By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know all 144 of their times tables (up to 12x12). We will be regularly practising and testing throughout the year. You can always practise at home using the following websites:
For each topic, we will send home an overview to give you a look into what your child will be learning. Please do chat with them about what they have been getting up to at school using this as a guide.
Any further communication will come through the office by email.
We will set dates to invite you in for parents evenings, work celebrations and a meeting regarding the Statutory Times Tables Check.
Autumn 1:
Autumn 2: