Useful Links

Useful Links

Storrington Primary

Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to Year 5!

Mrs Gratwick and Mr Buchanan are the Year 5 teachers who aim to make Year 5 challenging but fun for the children. Alongside them is Mrs De La Rue, apprentice teacher, and our Year 5 teaching assistants Daisy McLachlan and TBC. Our classrooms are currently upstairs in the main building from where we can admire the view of our amazing school grounds.

Throughout the year we aim to keep you fully informed with all the information you require, whether this is about the day to day events in the year group, your own child or whole school events.

We really look forward to working with you and your child this year and hope it is a year that they will treasure with fond memories. 

Our Gallery

Please take a look at some of our fantastic experiences so far: 

*Computing - Our work on the E - Safety unit

* History learning

*Beyond the School Gates week - walk to and around the Warren 

*Science experiment - testing particles in milk 

*Lewes castle trip 

*Spices and Couscous taste testing 

Year 5 Autumn Term 2023

Check out our experiences from Autumn term!


Year 5 Topic:

Autumn Term 1:  Topic Booklet


The Year 5 Team:


Steffi Gratwick (Larch class)

Iain Buchanan (Willow class)

Georgina De La Rue (Y5 Apprentice Teacher)


Teaching Assistants: 

Daisy McLachlan



PPA Cover:

Paris Akehurst 
Fiona Bull / David Wooller


PGL 2024 information:

Kit List

Parent meeting slides

Outstanding balance letter

PGL first letter


Useful websites for Year 5 

You might find these websites helpful! 

Power MathsTTRockstars 

MyON Accelerated Reader