Equality and Diversity
Schools are required to publish information which is updated annually showing how they comply with the equality duty and to set at least one equality objective every 4 years. The need to advance equality of opportunity is defined in the Equality Act 2010 as having due regard to the need to:
- Remove or minimise disadvantages.
- Take steps to meet different needs.
- Encourage participation when it is disproportionately low.
The public sector equality duty extends to the following protected characteristics:
Age (as an employer, not regarding pupils)
Sexual Orientation
Pregnancy and Maternity
Gender Reassignment
Our guiding principles
- All learners are of equal value. Whether or not they are disabled, whatever their ethnicity, culture, economic background, national origin or national status, whatever their gender and gender identity, whatever their religious or non-religious affiliation or faith background and whatever their sexual orientation.
- We recognise, respect and value difference and understand that diversity is a strength. We take account of differences and strive to remove barriers and disadvantages which people may face, in relation to background, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or faith and sexual orientation. We believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here.
- We foster positive attitudes and relationships. We actively promote positive attitudes and mutual respect between groups and communities different from each other.
- We foster a shared sense of cohesion and belonging. We want all members of our school community to feel a sense of belonging within the school and wider community and to feel that they are respected and able to participate fully in school life.
- We observe good equalities practice for our staff. We ensure that policies and procedures benefit all employees and potential employees in all aspects of their work, including in recruitment and promotion, and in continuing professional development.
- We have the highest expectations of all our children. We expect that all pupils can make good progress and achieve to their highest potential.
- We work to raise standards for all pupils, but especially for the most vulnerable. We believe that improving the quality of education for the most vulnerable groups of pupils raises standards across the whole school.
Our Objectives are:
- To regularly monitor and analyse pupil achievement and progress by race, gender, economic background (PPG) and disability and act on patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils
- Empower pupil voice and involvement to create a sense of belonging
- Build a curriculum which reflects modern Britain and all of its diversity
Storrington Primary equality policy and action plan
Some of the key events we celebrate at Storrington Primary:
October – Black History Month
February - LGBTQ+ History Month celebration of the Arts /docs/LGBT__History_Month__1_.pdf
March – International Women’s Day
June – Pride Day
GRT month
Storrington Primary Curriculum Map
We have been working hard to decolonise our curriculum and reflect the diverse world we live in please se our curriculum pages
Our Curriculum (Learning menu tab)
Storrington Primary Equality Group
Meet our newly formed equality group who meet to discuss representation in school and promotion of our diverse world.
Below is a link to the recent anti-bullying video the equality group made for Chichester University teacher trainees.
A selection of websites and resources you might be interested in: