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Storrington Primary


Music Intent


“Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here!” – Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.


Music is at the heart of Storrington Primary School where the arts are valued and encouraged, and confident, creative and caring learners learn through musical opportunities. All children have the opportunity to fall in love with making music, develop excellent musical skills and to take these skills, and the joy that comes with them, into their adult lives.

Children are given the opportunity to explore the interrelated dimensions of music; pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and notation through listening and appraisal, musical games, singing, playing, improvising, composing and performing. A wide variety of genres and periods of music, including the works of great composers and musicians, are explored with plenty of opportunities for pupils to perform both in and out of lessons. A mastery approach to learning musical skills is used, with strands of musical learning being developed, revisited and deepened from Early Years through to the end of KS2.

Opportunities are given for singing every day both in classrooms and assemblies. A variety of peripatetic instrument lessons are on offer as well as a school choir for KS2. We endeavour to work within our local and wider community on smaller and massed singing projects and concerts, with professional singers and musicians, and to strengthen links in our community.


Music Sing Up Units overview 

 Music Sing Up Skills Progression

Music Sing Up Student Log In

Music Vocabulary Sing Up Scheme

Music Policy