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Storrington Primary






Curriculum Intent

At Storrington primary school, we want all learners to SHINE, be safe, happy, independent, never give up and excel. We provide opportunities for our children to develop as creative, confident and caring learners and members of our community. Through our values led curriculum and rights respecting approach we work together to ensure children are prepared for their next stages of life in modern Britain.

Excellent outcomes for all will be planned using the national curriculum and early years foundation stage curriculum as a basis. From this all adults will deliver meaningful learning reflecting the needs of the community. Learning outcomes will demonstrate planned use of school grounds the local environment, and our society. Activities will be planned that develop thinking and enquiry and respond to the needs of the child in fulfilling the next step forward in their development. Forest school, outdoor learning and sport play an important role in the delivery of curriculum learning and emotional well being. This is particularly effective for children with additional needs in developing the first hand experiences and skills they will need for the future.

A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations for all children and encourage pride in their learning leading to excellent outcomes. All learners including those in receipt of pupil premium or with additional needs will have specifically planned opportunities to ensure progress. Targeted support and intervention will support learners to feel confident in class in embedding the important knowledge they need in order for connections in learning to be made. Children will be fully involved in their learning through planned opportunities for reflection and review. Planning must support the development of the school’s core values; developing children who SHINE (safe, happy, independent, never give up and excel).

As a result of these quality experiences, learning will promote knowledge and understanding and the development of appropriate skills.

The school works hard to develop children’s love of reading, quality texts are planned from and linked to other texts to support learning and bring topics alive. 

Equality and diversity in our curriculum is of the highest priority as we work to decolonise and diversify our curriculum . Opportunities are planned to see learning from different perspectives and to learn and grow from this and create a sense of belonging for all.

Storrington Primary school liaises closely with all stakeholders to ensure professional relationships can exist in the pursuit of achieving growth of pupils’ learning and achievements. The school is committed to working with parents and carers to secure positive relationships to support children’s learning. In addition to this, work with the wider community is very important to promote goodwill and to instil within the child a sense of citizenship. Work with locality schools and feeder institutions promote and encourages professional development, dialogue and action research which impact positively on curriculum development.

Curriculum monitoring from all levels, SLT, governors and subject leaders plays an important part in self review and planning for next steps. Children also support this process through pupil voice, children's equality group and class and school council. School monitoring comprising of staff and governors ensure a sustained focus on school priority development and excellence. We ensure all staff receive the opportunity to lead as an individual or as a part of a group. At school we are passionate about professional development and support for staff. We want staff to feel empowered and supported in their work and for all stakeholders to feel safe and valued at Storrington Primary school

We want all stakeholders to feel safe and secure at Storrington Primary school.


Curriculum offer overview

Yearly overview of topics 2021-22

National Curriculum core subject aims

National Curriculum foundation subject aims