Parent Feedback
We strive to establish strong partnerships with our parents and have put in place both informal and formal mechanisms to help us achieve this. We strongly believe that listening to parents' ideas and concerns and seeking to understand your views will help us meet the needs of the children and families at our school.
‘A very well managed, caring, compassionate school in which both of my children thoroughly enjoy being part of’ Parent Comment, 2017
We invite parents in to discuss various topics and gather feedback on school. More recently parents have been in to discuss therapeutic thinking and anti-bullying. These sessions are so important in enabling us to gain an accurate picture of community feelings and wishes and also for us to share the good practice that happens in school.
Each year we ask parents to let us know their feedback through our Parent Survey. This is a really useful way for us to find out how we're doing and we are very grateful for those parents who take the five or ten minutes needed to complete the survey. The last survey was sent out earlier this term, we are currently reviewing the feedback and will be reporting back to parents later in the summer term.
The Early Years team also consult with parents towards the end of the year for feedback about how the vital first year in school has gone for both pupils and their families.
Parents are also invited to let us know their thoughts after parents evenings and when children's reports are sent out. Of course there are also other opportunities to speak to us include speaking to members of the leadership team on the school gate each morning, coming in to see us, emailing or calling us.
Parent View gives parents the opportunity to feedback to OFSTED what they think about their child's school.
Finally - if you have any feedback about our website please let our Business Manager know -