At Storrington Primary, we believe that every child should be able to take part in all activities on offer and enjoy the same experiences alongside their peers. It is important to us that every child is valued and their unique qualities recognised.
For some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their potential and special educational provision may be necessary. We acknowledge the individual needs of our children and employ strategies to meet these needs and support all children to enable them to achieve.
The term ‘Special Educational Needs’ is used to describe learning needs or disabilities that make it harder for children to learn than most children of the same age. Children with Special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are likely to need extra or different help from that given to other children their age. This help is known as special educational provision.
We provide appropriate support for children with additional needs through our teaching and support team. The majority of additional support takes place within the classroom; some children may be supported by a teaching assistant or other member of staff either individually or in a group.
Our Special Needs Policy and SEN Information Report provides information about how we support children with additional needs at Storrington. You can also view our Accessibility Plan here.
OTHER USEFUL INFORMATIONWest Sussex Local Offer SEND Information, advice and support
Reaching Families West Sussex Parent Carer Forum West Sussex Mind
Mental Health Webinars / Support Links
Our Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion and special educational needs coordinator (SENDCO) is
Miss N. Axon who can be contacted via the School Office on 01903 742047.
Educational Inclusion is about equal opportunities for all pupils. It pays particular attention to the provision for, and achievement of, different groups of pupils.