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Storrington Primary

Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education

Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education is one of our core areas of learning at Storrington Primary School. We call it Lifeskills in class. We feel this helps children understand that they are learning skills that they will take with them as they live and grow up in the wider world. 

On this page you will find information and helpful links all about our Lifeskills lessons at Storrington Primary School. 

Our PSHCE Intent

At Storrington Primary School, we want all learners to SHINE; be safe, happy, independent, never give up and excel. Our PSHCE (Lifeskills) curriculum ensures all our school values are central to our learning, whilst making sure our pupils become and develop into caring, creative and confident children. Our shared vision is for children to be prepared for their next stages of life in modern Britain. We want children to be knowledgeable of the wider world around them, promoting their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We bring together PSHCE with RE, Citizenship, Science, Computing and PE learning across all our topics so that our pupils can experience the lives of other people and maintain healthy lives. At Storrington Primary School we value the opportunity to explore our wider community outside of our town; we hope pupils can experience the variety of the world that they will later grow up in. We feel it is important that they understand and are ready to meet others that may be different to them and their own family relationships. We nurture and educate our pupils in order to help them to develop the understanding and skills they will need to live happy, healthy and successful lives, now and within their future. A great deal of importance is placed on the use of our SHINE values and each class shares these with the children well. Children are rewarded for following our core values of being ready, respectful and safe. Each month we share a new value for children to learn about and try. These are: respect, trust, tolerance and responsibility, cooperation, hope, perseverance, honesty, patience, happiness, success and optimism. Our values of the month also support our learning of the British Values.


Our PSHCE (Lifeskills) Curriculum 

At Storrington Primary School we implemented the new West Sussex, Education for Safeguarding (E4S) curriculum to support the learning and teaching of the new compulsory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) Curriculum. Following a period of consultation with all stakeholders (children, parents, staff, governors) and research into our local health and police data, we created a new bespoke PSHCE Curriculum for Storrington Primary School. 

Children should be ready to experience a range of different relationships that they will face as they grow. We want children to be safe, understand a range of different families, caring friendships, respectful relationships and how relationships can grow online too.

Children need to be prepared for changes as they approach adolescence, from maintaining a healthy balanced diet, being physically well, preventing and recognising signs of ill health, both physically and mentally. Children should understand how they can identify and express feelings, caring for their mental well-being. As children reach the later stages of key stage two, they should begin to recognise how changes in their bodies will affect them physically and emotionally.

We should equip our children to understand how the internet and social media can affect their physical and mental wellbeing; understanding the risks associated with excessive time spent on electronic devices and when to ‘switch off’. Children should know why restrictions are age limited to games and on social media.

In our changing world, children will learn to be critical thinkers in their relationships and as consumers. We endeavour to teach children to think about which relationships are good for them and what to do when things begin to go wrong, if they feel unsafe or unhappy. As children use developing technology, they should be critical in their use of devices and of how and why particular information is being presented to them on the internet, within apps and throughout our digital world. 


 Our work with the NSPCC

In January (2023), we worked with the NSPCC to deliver their 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' programme. 

This encourages children to know forms and signs of abuse, how to stay safe and ask for help. 

We will be revisiting our previous work on Childline and remembering the all important number: 08001111 

You can find out more information about the programme using the following links:


Helpful Links and Documents 

Below you will find lots of useful links and documents all about our learning in Lifeskills and more! 


 This document below shows the West Sussex Education for Safeguarding - Four Cornerstones of PSHCE Learning. We have created our own bespoke curriculum for Lifeskills to best fit our pupils focussed on the E4S cornerstones. Our curriculum features these four main areas plus a focus on our school values and reflects local health and police data too. Our curriculum was last reviewed following conferencing with pupils and parents in July 2022 with teachers delivering the new objectives from September 2022. 

west sussex e4s four cornerstones of learning in the new rshe curriculum.pdf

 Link to all of our policies: 


Lifeskills and PSHCE policies: 

Social Moral Spiritual Cultural (SMSC) Policy: 


Relationships and Sex Education Policy: 


Anti - bullying Policy: 


Further Links and Resources 


Physical and Mental Wellness


Relationships and Sex [Our menstruation scheme for learning.] [Our Year 6 'Love Rocks' scheme for learning.] [KS2 Resources.] [Ages 9 - 13, Clips about Puberty]. 


Online Safety [Support on safe use of the internet across the family.] [Check for age ratings and appropriateness for media; apps, gaming, films, books.] 

