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Storrington Primary


Religious Education

RE Intent


Religious Education is legal entitlement for every pupil and forms part of the basic curriculum set in the 1988 Education Act.  RE contributes dynamically to children and young people’s education in schools through knowledge and understanding, application and interpretation and analysis and evaluation.  It actively promotes the values of truth, justice and respect for all and care of the environment.  Religious Education is a subject that explores the study of diverse religions, traditions, world views and people, alongside gaining a deep understanding of spiritual concepts, values and beliefs.

Storrington Primary believes that Religious Education helps reflect the changes in modern day society and the need to help pupils understand the different ways in which religion and world views can be understood, interpreted and studied.  The lessons have an intention of providing a high quality, coherent and progressive experience of the subject, with scope for cross-curricular learning.  Through each unit, children will develop an understanding of a range of religions and world views.  The subject will provoke challenging questions that will allow children to identify, reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate a variety of issues.  SMSC, personal growth and community cohesion are featured throughout each non-statutory strand and are there to ensure opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes and values and to reflect on and relate their learning in RE to their own experiences.  The intent is to make sure that children understand the relevance of RE in today’s modern world and how it affects our lives.

Religious Education Policy

RE Progression Map and Overview

RE Topic Overview