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Storrington Primary

Safeguarding and Prevent

Storrington Primary School is committed to safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of all of our children and families. We recognise that in an ever changing and fast moving world it is essential that we promote children's well-being, confidence and resilience, and that we provide them with up to date and age-appropriate information and signpost them to places where they can find support, where necessary.

We see protecting our children from the risk of radicalisation as part of  our wider safeguarding duties, and that it is similar in nature to protecting students from other harms (e.g. drugs, gangs, cyber-bullying, neglect, and sexual exploitation), whether these come from within their family or are the product of outside influences. We acknowledge the Prevent duty and we have due regard to the need to prevent children and their families from being drawn into any illegal activity, including terrorism.

Storrington Primary School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Prevent Policy

Child Protection Officer - Nick Choate, Headteacher

Deputy Child Protection Officer - Rachel Roberts, Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Child Protection Officer - Nicky Axon, Deputy Headteacher


At Storrington Primary School all staff are expected to uphold the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values are promoted through our values and ethos, Rights Respecting Schools work, the curriculum, citizenship, assembly themes and PHSCE work.

 It is important to note that our Child Protection and Prevent policies link with many others to cover Safeguarding including:

Guidance of the Use of the Internet; WSCC E-Safety; Staff Code of Conduct; Intimate Care; Anti-Bullying; Attendance; Drugs Policy Statement; Equality and Diversity Statement; Provision of First Aid in Schools; Health and Safety; Lettings; Photographic Images of Children; PSHCE; Pupil Restraint; Safer Recruitment; STARS Sex Education; Special Educational Needs Policy: Information for Volunteers; Whistleblowing/Confidential Reporting.      These, together with other whole school policies can be found under our policies page.  Safeguarding folders, containing all the above information are also kept in the school should you require.

The following Government documents underpin our Safeguarding Policies:

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018